- Primaris has been present on IT-services market since 2010.
- We focus on providing high quality IT services.
- We represent a team of almost 280 devoted IT consultants specializing in a wide range of technologies.
- We deliver projects for clients in different countries focusing on clients based in Poland and Germany.
- We work both in agile and waterfall environment. Our teams always work in close cooperation with clients no matter whether we work on site or off site.
- We have DevOps processes in place enabling our work for clients to be both efficient and with quality. We can use our own processes or implement client specific ones.
- Our standard sales process is build around establishing a transparent dialogue with the client, enabling us to tailor our offer to his specific needs.
Planview Partner
Planview Support
Business Intelligence
Why choose Primaris?
- Our team of specialists successfully uses both Big Data solutions and solutions based on the classic approach to data processing with the use of relational databases.
An important role in our projects is played by:
- prototyping as a tool ensuring unambiguous understanding of the requirements,
- Data Governance,
- data modeling technique (Data Vault, multi-dimensional),
- optimization of data processing, analysis and reporting.
- Primaris consultants have in-depth knowledge and experience in the use of many technologies and tools available on the IT market.
- We work with both commercial and Open Source solutions.
Major DWH / BI competences
- The Primaris team has extensive experience in the area of analysis and design.
- We have extensive experience in implementing DWH / BI solutions.
- We are able to optimize the operation of DWH / BI systems.
- We have experience gained both while working on the side of suppliers and recipients of BI systems.
Selected DWH / BI references
Scope of work: Development of the DWH / BI strategy.
Client: Large insurance group
Scope of work: Development and maintenance of a corporate data warehouse. The area of sales, finance, controlling, risk, operations, obligatory and group reporting.
Client: Bank
Scope of work: Maintenance and development of data warehouse in SAS Institute technology.
Client: Bank
Scope of work: Development of a BI strategy for a financial group.
Client: A company from the financial industry
Scope of work: Development and maintenance of the analytical and reporting system.
Client: Provider of courier services
Scope of work: Development of a pre-implementation business concept and corporate architecture, group data warehouse for all companies included in the enterprise.
Client: Large insurance group
Scope of work: Construction of the Anti Money Laundering (AML) system.
Client: Investment fund company
Customer Communication Management CCM - a comprehensive solution for multi-channel communication with the customer
If you create and distribute thousands of documents and messages to your clients per day, in any form, be it traditional correspondence, e-mail, or using social messengers and you suspect that your most important audience is not receive information exactly as they should, the current solution costs money probably too much, and functional limitations slow down communication processes with customers, do not allow you to easily adapt the forms of communication to your needs or even prevent you from getting some business goals see why other companies choose Infinica's Customer Communication Management (CCM) solution.
- We manage the process of defining outgoing document templates.
- We support multi-channel outbound communication in the most popular channels and formats (print, PDF, mailing, SMS, instant messaging).
- We provide a convenient path of additional personalization for people who have direct contact with the client.
- We fully control the process of accepting and sending outgoing correspondence.
- We reduce the costs of all stages of multi-channel communication with clients.
The business user's desktop, both at the stage of designing documents and the person deciding on the final shape of outgoing correspondence, has been designed in accordance with the best currently applicable standards of convenience and functionality. Ease of data and process integration in the field of databases, CRM, ERP, Contact Center, back office, maturity of the platform and the growing number of references in Europe are the elements that contribute to the reduction of implementation costs and long-term maintenance of the solution.
Primaris is an implementation partner of the Infinica Platform in Poland. The solution is used in telecommunications, insurance, transport, production and many other industries.
IT Security, Identity and Access Management, Multi Factor Authentication, True Passwordless Authentication, Zero Trust Architecture.
Breaking or using someone else's passwords is responsible for several dozen percent cases of breaking into IT systems. One of the most effective security methods there is prevention. As an implementation partner of Veridium, we offer a comprehensive analysis and offer selection of the optimal set of factors that should be implemented in a given organization in order to improve the level of IT security. We support the latest recommendations in our activities NIST. The Veridium platform is fully proven in key sectors of the economy, a configurable comprehensive solution used worldwide in companies telecommunications, insurance, banks and administrative units public. The Veridium platform allows you to completely eliminate passwords and enter benefits for organizations in many fields.
What are the main benefits of using a class platform Passwordless?
- Improving the security level of IT systems from several perspectives. For example, eliminating passwords entry stage significantly reduces the possibility of unauthorized and uncontrolled access to data and systems. No events related to the discredit of 'credentials'.
- Lower your operating costs (OPEX) significantly. ROI is calculable on the level of access management costs, tools used, service processes incidents, password resets, helpdesk or contact center loads, and many related costs.
- Limiting the risk of breach or loss of reputation due to information leakage data of the company or its clients, and the potential imposition of penalties in connection with the violation of applicable legal regulations (PSD2, RODO, ...).
- Increasing the comfort of work for employees, partners and customers of the company, we save their time spent logging into different systems. Eliminating the necessity of remembering increasingly complex and changing security features.
- We offer additional, unheard of in other approaches, security for particularly demanding processes (access dependent on geolocation, using dynamic analysis of user behavior for estimation level of risk, including the implementation of behavioral engines).
- We fully support microservice IT architectures built in the Zero Trust concept Architecture.
- We enable the authentication of legacy applications without the need for them to be remodeled.
- We work according to SAML, RADIUS, oAUTH, OIDC, FIDO, RESTAPI standards.
Team Leasing
- Application Support & Development Take Over
- BI Report Development
- Data Science
- Mobile Applications
We implement and integrate solutions of our strategic partners who are dominant in their market segments.
Such solutions apply complex business processes and enable customers to implement innovative products or services.

45 Ventnor Avenue
6005 West Perth
+61 4 932 741 48